My daughter is a planner.
She is an individual.
Once she has made up her mind she cannot be swayed.
These are characteristics I recognize in myself. Characteristics I value. Characteristics that will serve her well throughout her life.
Characteristics that make Halloween exceedingly difficult.
We figured it out last year. She decided to be a cow. Yes...a cow. Luckily we found a cow hat while wandering through the vendors at the Fryeburg Fair. An oversized white sweatshirt was turned into cowhide with the help of a Sharpie and a sewn on tail. I combed the racks at the discount store until I found some fuzzy animal print pants. It didn't seem to be a problem that they were leopard, not cow print and I certainly wasn't going to mention it. A decorative bell and a bucket shaped basket (because who would milk a cow into a trick or treat pumpkin) completed the outfit.
It took some creativity, some luck, and some work, but we (I) did it. I had a damn cute cow for Halloween!
That was last year, but now is now and costumes don't repeat.
A Princess Deer. That is what I am up against this year. Seriously. I don't even know where to begin. A Princess Deer?
I have gotten some guidance of course. And it 's interesting to hear about the finer points of costume creation from a four year old point of view. Brown with white spots, since a princess deer would not be a grown-up deer. A gown made of grass, since deer live in the woods. A mask. A pink princess crown. Are you getting the picture yet? Yeah, me neither.
A yard sale last weekend yielded a homemade woodland elf costume. I think I can work with that. I'll venture again to the discount store where I am hoping brown, child size faux fur is in fashion. Might see if I can order a hat with deer ears from Etsy. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear about them.
I'm sure I'll come up with something!

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